British Book Awards 2024

British Book Awards 2024


Wczoraj podczas uroczystej Gali w Grosvenor House w Londynie, przyznano Nagrody British Book Awards 2024.

Już trzeci rok w ramach British Book Awards przyznano nagrodę Freedom to Publish Award (pierwszymi dwoma laureatami byli Arabella Pike i Salman Rushdie). W tym roku zwycięzcą został Grigori Chkhartishvili, piszący jako Boris Akunin. Gruzińsko-rosyjski pisarz powieści historycznych, eseista i tłumacz mieszkający obecnie w Wielkiej Brytanii – krytyk działań i polityki Władimira Putina wobec Ukrainy.

Laureaci nagrody Book Trade Award 2024

Przyznano 17 nagród branżowych:

  • Marketing Strategy: Abbie Slater, Sian Richefond, Emily Merrill for Yellowface, HarperCollins UK / The Borough Press
  • Publicity Campaign: Etty Eastwood for Ultra-Processed People, Penguin Random House / Cornerstone
  • Independent Bookstore: Book-ish, Crickhowell, Wales
  • Small Press: Magic Cat Publishing, a children’s publisher
  • Academic, Educational, and Professional Publisher: Collins
  • Children’s Bookseller: The Children’s Bookshop
  • Export Award: Bloomsbury
  • Rights Professional: Karen Lawler, Hachette Children’s Group
  • Literary Agent: Becky Brown and Norah Perkins, Curtis Brown
  • Imprint: Hachette UK / Little, Brown / Piatkus Fiction
  • Editor: Kishani Widyaratna, HarperCollins / 4th Estate
  • Designer: Jack Smyth, Jack Smyth Design
  • Individual Bookseller: Amanda Dunne Fulmer, Halfway Up the Stairs
  • Book Retailer: The Children’s Bookshop
  • Independent Publisher: Profile Books
  • Children’s Publisher: Bloomsbury Children’s Books
  • Publisher: Penguin Random House / Ebury


Laureaci nagrody „Książka Roku”

Audiobook Fiction

None of This is True by Lisa Jewell, read by Nicola Walker and Louise Brealey, Penguin Random House Audio

Audiobook Nonfiction (supported by Audiobookish)

Strong Female Character written and read by Fern Brady, Hachette UK / Octopus / Brazen

Children’s Fiction (supported by The Week Junior)

Impossible Creatures by Katherine Rundell, Bloomsbury Children’s Books

Children’s Illustrated (supported by Lovereading4kids)

Bunny vs Monkey: Multiverse Mix-up by written and illustrated by Jamie Smart, David Fickling Books

Children’s Nonfiction (supported by The Week Junior Science and Nature)

Brilliant Black British History by Atinuke, illustrated by Kingsley Nebechi, Bloomsbury Children’s Books

Crime and Thriller

None of This is True by Lisa Jewell, read by Nicola Walker and Louise Brealey, Penguin Random House / Century / Cornerstone

Début Fiction (supported by Spotify)

In Memoriam by Alice Winn, Penguin General / Viking


Lessons from Our Ancestors by Raksha Dave, illustrated by Kimberlie Clinthorne-Wong (Magic Cat Publishing)

Rebecca F. Kuang, unable to attend the British Book Awards event, sent a greeting from Germany

Fiction (supported by Scala Radio)

Yellowface by Rebecca F. Kuang, HarperCollins / The Borough Press
Note: Rebecca F. Kuang, an American, won the 2023 British Book Award in fiction, as well, in that case for Babel, or the Necessity of Violence from HarperVoyager,

Nonfiction: Lifestyle and Illustrated

Murdle by T. Karber, Profile Books / Souvenir Press

Nonfiction: Narrative

Politics on the Edge by Rory Stewart, Penguin Random House / Vintage / Jonathan Cape

Pageturner (supported by Stylist)

Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros, Hachette UK / Little, Brown / Piatkus Fiction


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Kategorie: Nagrody

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