1. 0552149519 Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown
2. 0755304853 Falling for You, Mansell Jill
3. 033042002X Disordered Minds, Walters Minnette
4. 0099450259 Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, Haddon Mark
5. 0099427982 Waitress, Nathan Melissa
6. 0099415380 Special Relationship, Kennedy Douglas
7. 0552150738 Angels and Demons, Brown Dan
8. 0007165005 PS, I Love You, Ahern Cecelia
9. 0552151696 Digital Fortress, Brown Dan
10. 0007130740 Odd Thomas, Koontz Dean R.
11. 0552148555 Johnny Angel, Steel Danielle
12. 0330485385 Lovely Bones, Sebold Alice
13. 0552771155 Brick Lane, Ali Monica
14. 0007153856 Do You Remember the First Time?, Colgan Jenny
15. 034911725X Full Cupboard of Life, Smith Alexander McCall
16. 0747570639 Gathering Light, Donnelly Jennifer
17. 0751530743 Blow Fly, Cornwell Patricia
18. 0552151769 Deception Point, Brown Dan
19. 034911675X No.1 Ladies’ Detective Agency, Smith Alexander McCall
20. 0747267642 Know, Cole Martina
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